interface as strategy
There’s exactly 1 thing that matters about the iPad/iPhone/etc: the interface. Nothing else. The rest is product development. The interface is a strategy. No other tech company gets this. At least not at scale.
There’s exactly 1 thing that matters about the iPad/iPhone/etc: the interface. Nothing else. The rest is product development. The interface is a strategy. No other tech company gets this. At least not at scale.
The network should provide more intelligence. How about we embed serious awareness in the form of analytics capabilities into the network? Instead of discovering distributed/networked/cloud application hiccups, failures, overloads, etc., at the core and after the fact—I want to intercept and predict them at the edges where they start. There must be markers and patterns to requests, responses, session states, etc., that can be teased out and understood by the edge.. and once observed, passed on to correlators, orchestrators, management systems, etc.
The idea of user-driven innovation should be built into tools and applications. When something is modified by a user, that should make everyone involved in the development, sales, marketing, etc., of that thing to pay attention.
The relationship between scale, complexity, and capability. Cloud puts it all outta whack in a good way.
I gave up long form blogging a few years back after 10+ yrs strong, since before it was called "blogging" and you used txt files and perl scripts. But recently I started at Gartner as a Research Director (super senior analyst) which, for various reasons, makes me want to re-blog. That's this.
I'll seed with some interesting bits written in other places, go from there, etc.